NWComp Solar LLC

NWComp Solar GmbH is one of the largest suppliers of electrical components and technologies in the field of solar energy. Supplies of components are carried out throughout Europe, as well as in the countries of the former CIS republics.

Work area:
Consulting, preparation of feasibility studies, business planning installation, design , service maintenance of the use of solar panels, batteries and conversion devices.

1. 28 kW solar system, KEGOC Administrative Building;
2. 1 MW Photovoltaic solar station;
3. 402 kW photovoltaic system;
4. 10 kWh/peak solar system;
5. 1.62 MW;
6. 1.3 MW-slope / Hangneigung 35°;
7. Construction of a 4.8 MW SES near the city of Zhetysay, South Kazakhstan region.

Davreshev Murat Ansarovich

Phone number: 8 775 529 93 97

E-mail: murat@nwcomp-solar.de